stanislav-shekshnia-100x130Stanislav Shekshnia is program director of 2 of the Scandinavian Executive Institute’s board education programs – Advanced Board Program and Executive Board Programme. He is Senior Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise at INSEAD. For 10 years, Shekshnia has worked as a top manager and subsequently as an entrepreneur in France, the USA, Russia and Central Europe. Stanislav has a master’s degree in economics, a Ph.d. from Moscow State University and an MBA from Northeastern University in Boston. Stanislav Shekshnia is also program director for the Leading from the Chair Program at INSEAD and has published a large number of books on management and board work.

In addition to his role as a professor, Stanislav Shekshnia acts as an advisor and provides personal coaching to international business owners, managers and directors, as well as being chairman and board member of a large number of international boards


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