Executive Forum

Masterclasses for executives with professors from INSEAD and IMD

INSEAD-professor Wolfgang Ulaga

Date: 24 September 2024
Place: Hotel Koldingfjord, Kolding in Denmark
Time: 09:00-16:00


Topic: Business model trends and applications

New business models change the competitive landscape across various industries these years. Wolftang Ulaga will help us explore these trends and understand how they may apply to our own business or valuechain.

Hands-on Experience. This Business model Masterclass is a hands-on, immersive learning experience that allows you to explore what it takes to design and launch selected new digital business models. What drives growth in your industry? Are you ready to succeed? How to package and launch new offers – fast? How to price and sell such innovative offers? How to drive customer engagement and build a loyal and profitable customer base? What are the new customer success metrics we need to focus on? How to scale up and achieve lasting success by embedding subscriptions in the organization? What are the typical pitfalls to be aware of, especially for companies that are not a “subscription native”?

In particular we will explore the relevance for both Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer segments and the take-aways will be a better understanding of how you own industry might be impacted, og could benefit from applying some of these business models.

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Information about Executive Forum

Exciting and educational masterclasses for executives with experts and professors from the internationally recognized business schools, IMD and INSEAD.

Executive Forum is the Scandinavian Executive Institute’s exclusive learning forum for Scandinavian leaders and board members who want to focus on and develop their managerial and strategic knowledge and competence. The forum also provides a unique opportunity to network with other leaders and board members in a dynamic and intensive learning environment.

Masterclasses for executives


Buy one ticket for 4.000 DKK / € 535 and join a large network of Scandinavian leaders, top executives and board members.

In order to get the most benefit, we recommend that you participate with your colleagues, so that everyone gets the same knowledge and motivation to continue working afterwards. If you buy five tickes these can be used across the organisation.

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1 ticket535 euro