Apply for the next programme

Leading Strategic Change INSEAD

We receive registrations on an ongoing basis.

Fall 2024
Module 123 Sep. 2024Copenhagen, Denmark
Module 211 - 14 Nov. 2024INSEAD, France
Sign up
Fall 2025
Module 125 Sep. 2025Copenhagen, Denmark
Module 210 - 13 Nov. 2025INSEAD, France
Sign up
Spring 2025
Module 18 April 2025Copenhagen, Denmark
Module 25 - 8 May 2025INSEAD, France
Sign up

Please apply for the next Leading Strategic Change programme, by filling in the form to the right.

You will receive a confirmation and invoice in two separate e-mails shortly.


Education guarantee – ensures your free transfer, if you become ill

When purchasing the guarantee, you can move to a later program without extra cost, should you become ill before start-up. In the event of illness, documentation must be presented in the form of a doctor’s statement. We then arrange to move you to a new program that fits your calendar. The guarantee only covers the education fee and not the hotel and catering expenses.

Price € 490. Please see all prices and condtions here.


Re-union for your team

When the education is completed, we execute a re-union for your team. For the re-union, we provide the academic content in the form of a masterclass with an INSEAD or IMD professor. The topic is a current topic for both the leadership and board roles today. You can expect a full teaching day from 10-16.

Re-union is included in the education fee.