Friends of Executive, a leading network in the Öresund region for senior executives and business professionals, initiates next steps for further strategic expansion by adding Executive Education opportunities to its range of value-creating services.


Malmö, Sweden, March 10, 2015: Following its successful establishment in 2013, Friends of Executive is firmly positioned as a leader in Executive Networking in the regional market of the Öresund Region. Having built a strong base of members and strategic partners, Friends of Executive is readying itself for next steps and further strategic expansion.

The expansion will be characterized by creating more incremental and relevant value for members to meet their growing needs, and further build the network’s scope of contacts or “knowwho” as a major line of its development work. To substantiate the development, Friends of Executive is proud to announce a new strategic partnership within the field of Executive Education.

Teaming up with Scandinavian Executive Institute, a leading provider of post-academic Executive Education programmes, Friends of Executive will forge a strong relationship that will add new value to its range of network services, and expand its network richness and reach throughout Scandinavia. The relationship will commence in March 2015 and current and new members will gain privileged access to information, participation and exclusive offerings during upcoming and scheduled network meetings and interactions.

Says Jimmy Oldén, CEO of Friends of Executive; “This alliance holds a lot of potential and promise for our members and [strategic] partners. By offering the well-renown management education programmes that Scandinavian Executive Institute offers in close cooperation with INSEAD to our executive members, we will not only provide high quality and unparalleled post-academic education opportunities, but also in practical terms extend our network and its reach with executives and professionals from Denmark and Norway.”

Scandinavian Executive Institute offers the following programmes in cooperation with INSEAD, EMP – Executive Management Programme and EBP – Executive Board Programme. Further the High Potential Management Programme features professors from INSEAD and other renowned European instituations. With programme curriculums based on hallmark pillars Strategy, Innovation and Leadership, and becoming available for Friends of Executive members at favorable terms, the network will complement its previous strategic partnerships with a new major area related to membership needs and demands.

Says Claus Flensborg, CEO of Scandinavian Executive Institute; “Our partnership programmes with INSEAD have evolved and proved great value to many Danish and Norwegian executives over many years. Consequently, we are excited to extend our educational offering to Swedish executives together with Friends of Executive. Furthermore, our alumni network(s) in Denmark and Norway will be able to collaborate more actively with Swedish executives as we successively take our strategic partnership to the next level, and create cross-organizational opportunities for value-creating networking across the Öresund region and in the context of Greater Copenhagen-Malmö.”

The parties will develop and substantiate the strategic partnership from March 2015 and gradually seek to expose members to new opportunities and value in the fields of Executive Networking and Executive Education as the partnership evolves.

Björn H. Lindbäck, Senior Partner & Adviser with XLNS Consulting Group, strategic advisor to Friends of Executive and a guest lecturer in the discipline of ‘Strategy’ with Scandinavian Executive Institute, was even more positive when consulted about the partnership. He posited that “the setup between the two strategic partners is both logical and exciting with its complementary scope and cross-border reach” before concluding there to be a great match, fit and synergy between the partners, and substantial value to both members and other strategic partner firms of Friends of Executive.

“I am positive that we will be able to inspire also Swedish business leaders going forward”, said Claus Flensborg as Jimmy Oldén elaborated on his vision for Executive Networking to essentially create more friends of executives in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. After all, he said, “the networking is the value”.

For further information pertaining to this press release, please contact;


Jimmy Oldén
CEO, Friends of Executive
Mobile: +46 (0)739 94 66 86

Claus Flensborg
CEO, Scandinavian Executive Institute
Mobile: +45 60 161 600



About Friends of Executive: Friends of Executive provides a unique network platform based on invitational membership that brings together senior executives and business professionals (members) with leading expertise and advisors (partners) in key areas related to executive and professional development where human relationships and interactions are placed front and center for long term success. The firm was established in 2013 and has its domicile in Malmö, Sweden. For further information, please refer to



About Scandinavian Executive Institute: Scandinavian Executive Institute A/S educates top executives and board members throughout Scandinavia and has been doing this since 2007. Educational activities are based on a close collaboration with INSEAD, an internationally recognized graduate business school. Substantial parts of the educational programmes take place at INSEAD Fontainebleau in France. Scandinavian Executive Institute has offices in Kolding.

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