Enrico Diecidue

Professor of Decision Sciences INSEAD
Executive Board Programme INSEAD

Participants in the Executive Board Program can look forward to meeting Enrico Diecidue, who is a professor, teacher and researcher in decision making under uncertainty as well as his research also focuses on the role of groups in complex decisions.

Enrico Diecidue is a Professor of Decision Sciences at INSEAD and teaches Uncertainty, Data & Judgment at the Scandinavian Executive Institute programme: Executive Board Programme. In 1996 he obtained his degree in Economics, with a specialization in Mathematical Economics, from Bocconi University, Italy. He then joined the CentER (Center for Economic Research), Tilburg University, the Netherlands, where he received his PhD in 2001. 

Since 2001 he has been a resident faculty member at INSEAD, first in Singapore and then in France. In 2008-2009 he served as a Visiting Professor at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 2010-2011 he took a sabbatical at the Erasmus School of Economics, the Netherlands. His research focuses on decision making under uncertainty. He is interested in the role of regret, aspiration levels, and time in individual decisions. His current research is also addressing the role of groups in complex decisions. Enrico’s research has appeared in leading journals including Decision Analysis, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Management Science, Mathematical Social Sciences, Theory and Decision. He serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Risk and Uncertainty and is an Associate Editor for Decision Analysis and for Management Science. 

He teaches Uncertainty, Data & Judgment (MBA and Global Executive MBA programmes), Management Decision Making (MBA programme), Modules in Decision Making (Executive Education programme) and Decision Sciences (PhD programme). He has won teaching awards at INSEAD and Wharton. 

Enrico Diecidue is directing the International Directors Programme. 

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Dorthe Håhr Dupont

Head of Nordea Ventures, Nordea

The teaching at INSEAD was unsurpassed, and Professor Stanislav’s passion and broad experience in board work have really given me valuable knowledge. I have become sharper and have gained a greater understanding of the demands, responsibilities and duties that one has in the board work. I have used my new knowledge in various contexts, both in boards I myself sit in, but also in relation to the executive colleagues, I advise in relation to their board positions. The teaching is academically founded, but still very practical and usable, and already after the first module in Denmark I used learning from the program. Finally, I have got a fantastic network of like-minded board members that I can really draw on – in many different ways.