Liselotte Engstam

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Liselotte Engstam

Non Executive Chair and Board Director
Liselotte Engstam is an experienced international leader, chairman, and non-executive board member with a focus on transforming and renewing businesses. She integrates topics such as sustainability/ESG and artificial intelligence into board work, business strategies, and operations.

Liselotte Engstam is a seasoned international leader, chairman, and non-executive board member with a focus on transforming and renewing businesses. She integrates topics such as sustainability/ESG and artificial intelligence into board work, business strategies, and operations. With a career in senior roles in large global organizations, she has spent a decade working on both public and private company boards, leading the digital and sustainable transformation of international businesses. She is also active in academic research on board work, leads networks such as the Boards Impact Forum, and was recognized as one of the top 100 in modern corporate governance in both 2021 and 2022.

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Kenneth Riisborg

Senior Consultant
+45 3139 0360
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