Dag Erik Rasmussen

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Dag Erik Rasmussen

Partner, Wikborg Rein
Dag Erik Rasmussen is a partner at Wikborg Rein’s Oslo office and head of the firm’s capital markets practice.

Dag Erik Rasmussen is a partner at Wikborg Rein’s Oslo office and is head of the firm’s capital markets practice. Rasmussen mainly works with transactions and ongoing advice related to listed companies for the companies, arrangers and investors. He also lectures on company law and stock exchange and securities law. Rasmussen has board experience from listed companies and from investment companies. He is a board member of Oslo Børs ASA and represents the Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts in the Norwegian Corporate Governance Committee (publisher of the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance).

Contact person

Tomas Arnesen

Country Manager Norway
+47 9407 1317

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