What is good leadership?

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Challenges and Perspectives for the Modern Leader

Good leadership is what every leader strives for, what all employees desire, and what helps companies achieve the most success. But what is good leadership, and how can you become a good leader? Here, you can get insights into effective leadership and what you should consider if you want to be the best leader for your employees and your organization.

  • The good leader invests in themselves.
  • Good leadership is inextricably linked to personal development.
  • The good leader leads the way and shows the way.
  • Good management is about strategy and innovation
  • The good manager sees his management task in a perspective of change.
  • The good leader seeks outside help and input.

What is good leadership?

There are many schools of management, all of which have a whole range of ideas about what good management and the good leader are. In some places, good management is about the financial bottom line, about being a market leader and about increasing sales. However, most companies are aware that good management today is not solely a matter of profit and power. More is needed, and many believe that in a modern company, good management is inextricably linked to the manager himself. And the good leadership from the good leader creates growth.

Good leadership starts with the leader

The good leader is aware that personal development is needed to be a good leader. The good leader invests himself and puts himself, his values and his strengths and weaknesses on the line. Therefore, it demands a lot from a manager, and it can be exhausting to put yourself on the edge all the time.

The good manager needs tools to develop himself and use himself constructively in his work. In this way, the good manager can create value for himself and for the company, so that everyone works together to achieve the same result

Walk the walk

In addition, good leadership starts with you as a leader taking the lead. There is guaranteed no employee who will follow you if you do not lead by example. Leadership is not about directing some people from one place to another, but leading the way so that they can see where to go.

Good management is also about communication – get five tips to communicate more effectively.

Strategy, innovation and leadership

The good manager today has a number of challenges as a result of modern society, the global world and the many business opportunities the market offers. The good manager must be able to navigate this and must be aware of how to design a strategy for the company, and not least how to implement it and act on the strategy.

The design of the market and the conditions of the companies require thinking in terms of innovation and innovative solutions to challenges. This means that the leader must think new and challenge his own thoughts and ideas. It can be a challenge to make new initiatives, because we like things the way they usually are. The good manager must therefore not be afraid to think outside the box in order to create new things and innovate.

» Read more about the Executive Management Programme

Leadership is change

There are good reasons not to just do as you usually do. Good management is not static, and a company should not stand still, but the good manager is in motion with the company. Management is about direction, and implementing strategy means charting a path for the company. Good leadership is deeply rooted and grounded in action and change. The good leader knows how to challenge the status quo, so that the good qualities and values are strengthened, and the not so constructive and effective ones are abandoned. Seeing one’s management tasks as a process of change requires tools that can set out direction and goals in a changing reality. It requires its leader.

» Read more about Leading Strategic Change

The leader can move mountains, but not alone

The good leader is someone who can move someone and something. The manager must be able to move people, both employees and customers, and move markets. It therefore requires a lot of the leader’s communicative skills to carry out good management, because physical things have to be moved with words and abstract actions. Therefore, the good leader must focus on communication both internally and externally.

There are very few managers who can work with communication and personal development alone, so as a manager you must ensure that you have a network or that you get inputs and training from outside. Most people find it difficult to see themselves from the outside, and good management tools and implements can be difficult to acquire through books or articles on the web. Make sure you get outside help so you are not alone.

Get better at good management

At the Scandinavian Executive Institute, we know managers, and we have an opinion on what good management is. That is why we collaborate with one of the world’s leading business schools, INSEAD, so that we can offer our customers the best management training we can imagine. We have been doing this since 2007, and we feel that we have the long end. The managers are very satisfied, and we believe that, in collaboration with INSEAD, we are contributing to good management throughout Scandinavia.

Our educations concentrate on, among other things about leadership and the personal development needed to become a good leader. At the same time, our courses are about giving you tools and equipment within strategy, digitization and innovation. For us, this is the recipe for good management.

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