These four factors boost your ability to innovate

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Why is innovation important? Without it, you might end up dismantling rather than developing. Discover the four crucial factors for embedding a healthy innovation culture throughout the organization.

– One might be tempted to ask if it’s even possible to survive without innovation. In the global competition we are all part of, my firm belief is that if you are not developing, you are indeed in the process of dismantling, is the clear message from Annette Otto.

She has a background in sales economics, is Senior Vice President in the Nordic IT company Atea with responsibility for marketing, Partner Management as well as HR communication and also sits on a number of boards. Previously, she has worked with her areas of expertise in a wide range of Nordic companies, including Coop, Velux, Rockwool, Telia and Danish Crown, among others.

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What does innovation mean?

Annette Otto

Accordint to Annette Otto, there is often a bit of confusion around innovation – because innovation is not just about producing new, ground-breaking and unique products.

– There are actually very different approaches to innovation. At one end we are talking about total disruption and at the other end about “continuous” improvements. And if you also want to have a viable business in the future, you simply have to have innovation on the agenda. It is simply important to emphasize that innovation must take place throughout the organization and not just in a limited department. You have to think broadly and all the way around – innovation must be an integral part of the culture. It is about everything from improving a routine in the accounts payable or HR department to developing new products and re-thinking the company’s services. Therefore, “everyone” in the organization must be invited along on the innovation journey, she points out.

Innovation – a management responsibility

Although “everyone” must be involved, Annette Otto emphasizes that the responsibility for creating an innovation culture undoubtedly lies with top management in a company or organisation.

– Top management can be a “show-stopper” for innovation, but they can in no way drive innovation alone. Innovation does not come from individual employees being innovative either – it has to be lifted as a group. Top management must lead by example and continuously be at the forefront of communicating that this is something that is being focused on. They must make sure to cultivate the innovative mindset, communicate the purpose of this, train, set goals and reward, explains the Atea manager, and continues:

– Of course, this does not mean that the individual employee does not also have a responsibility and can contribute positively. Some of the most important things here are about being curious, offering new perspectives, removing yourself from habitual thinking and daring to move out of your own comfort zone. The management and the employees can together create a fruitful culture of innovation with a good cooperation and counterplay, which ultimately drives the entire organization’s innovation ability.

These four factors boost innovativeness

According to Annette Otto, there are four factors in particular that can bring a company or organization’s innovativeness to a new and improved level:


Innovation is of course a different measure from company to company and industry to industry. Some companies need their own “innovation units”, an example is when Danske Bank developed mobilepay. However, the vast majority of innovative tasks are solved in existing organisations. In all cases, it is extremely important to create a culture where it is safe to dare to present new ideas, where you get recognition for these and where you are allowed to express your opinion. You must foster an environment with curiosity, and you must be able to challenge each other – regardless of level, seniority, age, gender and background.


A good example of when, for example, you don’t have the energy to “think new” could be a situation in the supermarket at 17:30 with two tired children. It is not in this situation that you come up with a new and innovative dinner dish. If you want to be innovative in terms of work, it also requires space and profit. Employees must be given time to ask questions about everyday routines. Give them breaks and opportunities for mental respite, otherwise it will be like her in the supermarket.


As a starting point, “just children play best”. However, the opposite is the case when we talk about innovativeness. The more different perspectives, ideas and “disagreements” we get, the better. The management must create openness and respect for differences – regardless of whether it is about age, gender, education, nationality or other factors.


When it comes to innovation, it is essential to find inspiration from outside. You cannot live solely by finding inspiration “from within”. It can be to be inspired by the customer’s needs – understand things from their point of view, and perhaps visit other branches and industries and see how they do it. Invite new profiles into your organization and be curious about what is happening elsewhere. Participate in training programs to update yourself – or read specialist books. In short: Be open and look for trends from the outside.

Why is innovation important?

According to Annette Otto, the innovation mindset will simply become more and more important in the society of the future. Among other things, she highlights the Covid19 situation and how it has shown how quickly things happen. Our society is transparent, and internationally we are much more connected than we were before. It also results in increased international competition.

– The Scandinavian countries are good places to cultivate innovation. We have a school system that encourages us to think for ourselves, and we are trained to work with innovation – for example, today you can choose a specific innovation track at upper secondary school and at educational institutions. We clearly have a good starting point in our part of the world – but it must not become a sleeping pillow, concludes the Atea manager.

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