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Leadership Programs at Scandinavian Executive Institute

If you don’t find the answer to your question, you are very welcome to contact us at info@se-institute.dk or by phone at +45 3120 5550.

No, there are no specific training or exam requirements to attend one of our four programs. Some participants have a long higher education, and others are “autodidacts” – but they may have, on the other hand, an extensive practical experience. Common to the participants, however, is that they have some years of experience as managers.

We would like to send you a physical or electronic program brochure for you, just contact us at info@se-institute.dk or phone +45 3120 5550.

Up to 60 days before the start of the program, you can cancel your participation and get 75% of the amount refunded. If you cancel less than 60 days before start, you can unfortunately not get the amount refunded. However, you can choose to send another participant at no additional cost, or transfer your participation to the next program by paying 25 percent of the training fee.

You can sign up for all programs on their individual sign up page. You are of course also very welcome to write to us at info@se-insitute.dk or call + 45 3120 5550 if you want our help.

Once you have signed up for a program, you will shortly receive an invoice of 25 percent of the education fee. The remaining 75 percent of the amount is billed 60 days before start-up. If you register less than 60 days before the start of the program, you will receive an invoice for the total amount.

The cost of hotel and catering are on a separate invoice.

At the Scandinavian Executive Institute we offer training programs for a large number of managers, top executives and board members at all levels. You can read much more about the individual program courses and which target group they are targeting.

If you are in any doubt as to which program best suits you, please contact us at info@seinstitute.dk or phone +45 3120 5550 – we would rather help you to evaluate which program gives you the greatest benefit.

There are no special admission requirements for the various programs, but of course we always talk to the participants to ensure that their level matches the level of the program and the other participants.

If you are unsure about which program is right for you, please feel free to contact us at info@se-insitute.dk or call + 45 3120 5550 – and we will be happy to have a dialogue with you.

All Scandinavian Executive Institute’s education courses consist of 1-3 modules. Leading Strategic Change INSEAD consists of one module, the Executive Board Program INSEAD consists of two modules and the Executive Management Program INSEAD and the Leadership Acceleration Program IMD consists of three modules.
As a general rule, you should expect to spend approximately 15-20 hours of preparation before each module.

Between Modules 2 and 3 on the Executive Management Program you also have to do a project assignment, and in this connection you have to expect to meet with your project group 2-3 times and spend about 20 hours.

There is no requirement for a specific number of years of experience to participate in one of our education programs. But common to all programs is that the participants have a number of years of practical experience as either managers, top executives or board members.
You can read more about which specific participant profiles are suitable for the different program courses here:

Executive Management Programme INSEAD
Leading Strategic Change INSEAD
Executive Board Programme INSEAD
Advanced Board Programme INSEAD

The number of participants varies for each program, but will normally be between 20 and 40 participants.

If you would like specific knowledge about how many participants are registered for a specific program, you are very welcome to contact us at info@se-institute.dk or telephone + 45 3120 5550 for further information.

INSEAD is located in Fontainebleau, France, about an hour’s drive south of Paris. INSEAD is known as “The Business School for the World” and the educational institution has won numerous awards and international awards.

Read more about INSEAD here

The participants at Scandinavian Executive Institute’s programmes are almost all from Scandinavia – especially from Denmark and Norway. You will take skilled managers, top executives and board members from a variety of industries and different organizations – private as well as public.

You can always request a current participant list by contacting us at info@se-institute.dk or telephone + 45 3120 5550.

Contact person

Kenneth Riisborg

Senior Consultant
+45 3139 0360

We collaborate with one of the world’s leading business schools

INSEAD is one of the world’s leading graduate business schools for executives. The French-based but globally oriented institution brings together people, cultures, and ideas from around the world to develop leaders and transform organizations through research, thought leadership, and teaching.

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