
Since our first cohort in 2010, we have received positive feedback from our participants. Read on and be inspired to get started.
Since our first cohort in 2010, we have received positive feedback from our participants. Read on and be inspired to get started.
Assistant Director, FSR – Danish Auditors
“The academic level was high, and the mix of diverse participants was a key contributor to making the program even more interesting. The instructors at INSEAD were exceptionally skilled and inspiring, and they absolutely met expectations. I would also highlight the benefits of combining the local and global perspectives: you travel with a Danish group you already know, which provides a network when you return home, while also gaining the international perspective at INSEAD. From a networking standpoint, it is definitely an advantage that a Danish organizer hosts the program.”
Professional board member
“The Danish instructors were both skilled and quite entertaining. The professors at INSEAD in France were formidable and extremely engaged. Even though it was teaching they had clearly delivered many times before, it was by no means boring or routine – they truly delivered the goods. I feel that I have been greatly enriched by the program, which is also due to the many talented participants who contributed to the high level.”
Project and communications manager, Færchfonden
“The program was intensive and required significant preparation – but it was entirely worth it. It was clear that to gain the most from it, having some prior knowledge of how the interaction between the board and management functions was essential. The other participants were exceptionally sharp, and there was a particularly positive atmosphere within the group. It was evident that everyone wanted to support each other, and everyone made a concerted effort to contribute as effectively as possible.”
Vice President, UCB
“There were two reasons why I chose to participate in the board programme. Firstly, due to my role and responsibilities at UCB, I benefit from having knowledge about board work. For example, this could be relevant when I join the board of companies that UCB has acquired or partnered with. Additionally, I have had a personal interest in this area, aiming to gain insight into industries beyond the pharmaceutical sector, which I have always been a part of. By delving deeper into board work, I have the opportunity to broaden my horizons and become familiar with other industries.”
Professional board member
“The level of the program was high, due both to the instructors and professors who were skilled at varying the teaching with a mix of explanations, cases, and engagement—combined with capable, well-prepared, and socially pleasant participants who asked many insightful questions. Also, great praise goes to the team from Scandinavian Executive Institute, who ensured that all the logistical details ran smoothly.”
COO, Copenhagen Capacity
“There are two key reasons why I chose this program. Firstly, I wanted to elevate my boardroom skills to the next level and professionalize my approach to board work. Although I have learned a lot through practical experience, I had not previously engaged with the theoretical aspects. Getting confirmation – or potentially disproving – that what I was doing was correct has been a crucial part of the learning experience. Secondly, I had the opportunity to attend the program with the Director of Studieskolen, where I am the Chairman of the Board. Participating alongside a colleague with whom I could later discuss learning and implementation has been nothing short of invaluable.”
CEO President, ALK
“The Executive Board Programme is a truly excellent education with great content. It covers both the specifics of board practices, which was the focus in Denmark, and the broader perspectives and active learning from skilled and top-notch instructors at INSEAD. I gained valuable insights from both worlds, and additionally had the opportunity to expand my network with talented and great people whom I still stay in touch with and who could be significant for me in the future.”
COO, HauCon
“The level of the program was extremely high—in a positive way. The instructors were impressive, as was the composition of people representing various companies and industries. The teaching was exceptional—the professors introduced topics that could initially seem dull and complex but managed to make them extremely practical and engaging, so we all could follow along. This is where you learn things you can’t read in a book, and I particularly found that working on cases in group settings made a significant difference.”

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